Sunday, October 06, 2013

Its 12.00 right now, my two roomates sound asleep beside me and yet here Im blogging.

Its October 6? Yes, thats right. OCTOBER! My favourite month of th year. Theres always sth to look forward in this month. Be it festives, birthdays or just th perfect weather of th year.

Life's been as still as... th statue of Liberty? It feels like Im living in slow mo'. Its th same routine of wake up-study-lunch-study-work out-study-eat-study-sleep, like wtffffffff. Oh no, don't get me wrong thr. I m so NOT into studying or nerding. Its just cuss I have my major exams this November and there's just toooo much volume to mug up. I mean like I have went through once of few subjects but... Guess what? I've forgotten it all. Smh*

Everyday feels like a race against time. Th pressure is mounting every second. Trust me, this is not fun. AT ALL. =.= Somebody, fast forward my life? Pls. Until th 20th of November?
Sigh, I think I should head to bed now. My roomates are tossing and turning a tad bit too much.

Oh well!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

You feel me?

I had to put this picture up cuss dang, this is bloody relate-able. I mean isn't it true? It always felt so weird during my younger days when I had to pull out a teeth. Not to mention th ugly looking period until your other tooth grows.

Personally I've never been of change. I like things to be th way they are, y'know? Like I don't like to visit new places to eat cuss what if it ain't nice? *Paisa waste* I don't like shifting to new places, and it really annoys me when my usual route of returning home is disrupted by some construction going on and I have to U-turn and find another way home. Even when people uses my stuff and doesn't put it back to its original places. All these itty bitty things. I dno, I just like being in my comfort zone. Not that I can't handle outta comfort zones but c'mon everyone prefers a place where they can be themselves right?

But y'know what? Th ironic thing is, if there's one thing that is inevitable in life is CHANGE. Fullstop. Dafug right? =.=

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Wow, so I thought forgot my password while tryna login to blogger but can you believe it was my email that I had entered wrongly. Gees! It has been that long since I last posted.

So... what seems like a blink of an eye, it has been almost half a year in Delhi! Can you believe it?? Its crazy how time flies even when you'r NOT having fun. It has always been th same routine throughout these months. Like wake up- class- lunch- class- class- dinner- study- sleep. It went as hectic as 13 hours of lecture in a day! Man, these insensitive teachers. Ok fine, I did catch some sleep during Cost and Law classes though. Hah!

On a good note, currently I only have four hours of class in th afternoon on alternate days of th week. YAY! (A huge sigh of relief*) It gives me alot of free time BUT, thrs not much to do here. I mean I wanna go places, go out for a bite or two, maybe catch some movie but there's always this safety factor that girls really have to careful about. C'mon, Im in a place where th largest number of rape cases occur. I don't have a choice, Do I? Scary shit I tell you. I feel like those animals in zoos, all caged up. Sigh! :(

Having said that, my only way out is books. Th boring boring books of my course. I've transformed into this total geek man. I don't even recogonise myself anymore. no more! Its ironic tho, cuss I mean I am here to study after all? But hey, we all are aware that ALL WORK AND NO PLAY MAKES (in this case) NUMA A DULL GIRL, right? And a fat girl too. Staying home all day has played a major role in th 3 layers up my tummy. =.=

Anyhoo, these six months have really been a test to my will power and mental/emotional strength. There are those days where I am all determined and I have my imaginary Wonder Woman costume on, with that one hand out pose. And then... there are those days where I just feel super restless, like really very extremely restless and demotivated. I just wanna curl up in bed and die, like why-th-fugg-am-I-here-in-this-shitty-place kinda thing. It goes both ways you know. I think Im learning to be independant but being away from home isnt that easy.

My major exams are 3 months away but I keep imagining th day I finally return home, running towards my Mom screaming 'Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy, I AM HOME!' and that's th only thing that keeps me going. Ahhhhhhh~ Kaile aune hola tyo din. Haha.

Cheers Y'all! \m/

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Far, far away from home.

So I am in Delhi now. Its been two weeks plus I've been here. Yea I got married to a wonderful indian guy, thats why I shifted here. Kidding. I came here for further studies, duh.

The first few days was hectic, like extremely hectic. We had to run helter skelter to search for an apartment, book classes, buy all th furniture and also squeeze in what little time we had for sightseeing. It is indeed different here. I miss th life I had back home. Th freedom I had, th friends I left, th parties I went to.

God, I really am far. Far, far away from home.