Sunday, October 06, 2013

Its 12.00 right now, my two roomates sound asleep beside me and yet here Im blogging.

Its October 6? Yes, thats right. OCTOBER! My favourite month of th year. Theres always sth to look forward in this month. Be it festives, birthdays or just th perfect weather of th year.

Life's been as still as... th statue of Liberty? It feels like Im living in slow mo'. Its th same routine of wake up-study-lunch-study-work out-study-eat-study-sleep, like wtffffffff. Oh no, don't get me wrong thr. I m so NOT into studying or nerding. Its just cuss I have my major exams this November and there's just toooo much volume to mug up. I mean like I have went through once of few subjects but... Guess what? I've forgotten it all. Smh*

Everyday feels like a race against time. Th pressure is mounting every second. Trust me, this is not fun. AT ALL. =.= Somebody, fast forward my life? Pls. Until th 20th of November?
Sigh, I think I should head to bed now. My roomates are tossing and turning a tad bit too much.

Oh well!