Thursday, March 08, 2012

Love defined.

“A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself: to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.”

Morning y'all!
So this is a quote I chanced upon while searching some stuffs on google. I think thats by far th best description of loving, being love in one whole package, or atleast for me.
 I never liked constricting my ways, I detest, loathe, abhor jealousy, I like to have my own space. I hear so many stories of girls getting petty over the tiniest stuff like when their bfs talk with other girls, or guys go purple w rage when other guys stare at their gf. I mean cmon girls, whats wrong w a friendly conversation? You definitely cant go crazy insecure over ONE conversation right??? However there are limits, if your bf starts to be all flirty and cheesy, all girls have their right to be mad. And guys, cmon! Be honest, its not like you have NEVER started at another female while your with your gf right? I see this happen so many times on the streets. We like to witness beauty, its just human nature. Give em' a break, and I meant your EYES. Haha!
Those were just examples. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I guess it also depends on how your previous relation went, or how your parents' relation was, etc. For me, I practice trust. I believe in the goodness of my man. Call me naive? But I believe he wont do that. No no, I mustn't think like this, we are all blind to the future. Maybe because I don't like the thought of my man being all suspicious and jealous on me, so why should I be like that innit? Hypocrite! Haha. I give him space, he gives me space. Both end up happy. 
Another key factor to me is all about opening up. When we are unhappy about somethings, why make th other party guess what he/she did? And if they make wrong guesses, you'll only become more upset. Let it all out man! Ask what is it that you did. Apologise if you'r wrong. Be forgiving if you were wronged. Think in their shoes. I think by doing all these, fights will decrease like hell loads. (or atleast for me) Yea I hate fighting and quarreling, not just w my man but with ANYONE. I witnessed many times where couples argue and become soooooo upset like that world is on their shoulders. Cryin' and fussin'. But when things go well, Woah.... Its like they'r light as a feather. SEE THE FRICKIN' DIFFERENCE!!! Many say little fight is good, but dont like it turn to sth big?
Heres a picture my all time favourite twosome! Guesses?
I just like this picture alot. I mean they aren't are hugging, smooching or whatever cheesy PDA (public display of affection) BUT! i think the love is still there. I mean cmon... FIST BUMP!!!! So cute man. Like i said before, they'r INSPIRATION TO ALL LOVERS.

Anyhoo, enough about my rantings. Im just glad Ive be blessed w sucha nice guy O:). I wonder how he defines love. how would others define it? What about you? Are you the jealous type? hehe if thats th case then pardon my paragraph on that! :P