Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Oh. My. God.
I have never been this muthafuggin tired in sucha long time. It has been three days that I have been choreographing and training the girls for a fashion show. The moment my college ends I head over to Cube for the training. And damn!! The never ending walk from Buspark to Kamaladi. Extremely tiring, I tell you.

But today? Triple the distance! Woaaaaah, got me so pissed off. I swear I was thiiiiiiiiiiis close on the verge of tears. Yes I have the tendency to cry when I am angry or frustrated. I was bloody tired, ravenous, sweaty. Bad bad BAD combo man. I hadn't eaten anything since 7.30 am. Training went on for 2 hours. The next time I checked my watch? Three fuggin thirty pm. Stomach growling, beads of perspiration, knees going numb.

Man what a day! I am call it a night. My body is literally begging me for rest.
There there, I am coming bed!


  1. hahahahahhahahahahahahhah!
    i am so glad there's someone who goes through the same (haha dnt get fired up now )

    the thing is i cant ride micros , i tend to puke .
    either its tyamfu or its cad
    and u knw cab = $$
    and fo tyamfu , u need to walk more than if u were to travel by micro for tyamfu only has its straight limited area. and i always hafta walk like crazy

    and choreography ? o.O
    best wishes mate :)

    1. haha ouh! hmmm mirco phobia eh? tei. tempu is abit not practical k. slow plus dherai paudeina. anw.. yes. Im choreographing a ramp show for a party this saturday! Do come down at cube maybe? :)

    2. Tei .
      when i have $ , cab is efficient and when not Tyamfu Jindabaad :D . Not practical and then the route is like , it doesnt do into those allyes , where micros do . so hafta walk dayrai.
      Hahahahahah No !
      it will be real awkward and then u knw i will seem like a statue
