One emotion that I really dislike is being angry. It brings out th
worst in people. You've heard of the saying 'I was blinded by rage'. I think
that is fuckinggg bull. How is that even possible? Not in my books.
See the thing is, I am someone who doesn’t really get angry, at most I
might get annoyed or hangry* but that is about it. I am a Libra and I have read
too many times that Librans are the least sign to get angry, unless you fucking
screw up. I guess it is true in my case. The first thing I do when I get angry
is to shut down. If I am silent, yes that is probably a sign. Y’know why?
Because it scares me I might blurt out something really hurtful during that rush
of emotions. This is why I fucking hate it when someone says ‘Oh I am sorry, I
didn’t mean that. I said it because I was angry.’ Wow, really? Fuck you. The
damage has been done. It’s like if criminals said that, would it justify all th
wrong things they did? As convenient as it may seem, just cuss you are mad it
doesn’t give you any right to be mean. PERIOD. Why. don’t. people. get. that?
It is really that simple.
Another reason why I don’t like getting angry is because, I cry
when I am mad. My voice will start cracking up, I will start tearing up right
away. And I hate crying in public. It’s like when there’s people in front of
me, I can be crying a river inside but I’d still behave normally. There had
been occasions where I cried my eyeballs out in my flat, but none of my
flatmates ever found out. I’d rather suppress and kill myself a bit than to let
anyone see me cry. Yes, that’s how I detest crying in public.
Yesterday I got legit pissed after
the longesttttt time. Fuck, I even raised my voice. Something which I rarely do
nor like doing. No, I am not guilty for being mad. My reasons were sufficiently
valid. It just goes to show how being angry brings out this nasty side of you
and it makes me sad. If I had it my way, I wish no one pissed me off nor would
I make anyone angry. Random thought though, if no one got
mad at one another, how would that be like? Could the past three world
wars have been avoided? Or would my parents have not grounded me and let
me go to that party I really wanted to go to see my crush when I was 16? Maybe, just maybe.
Thank you reading! :)
*Hangry - so hungry to the point the point you get angry.